What is Abortion?
Abortion is a medical procedure that is also called termination of pregnancy by the expulsion of an embryo or fetus. If abortion is done without any intervention is known as a miscarriage. It’s also called spontaneous abortion which happens in approximately 30% – 40% of cases.
When deliberate action is taken to end the pregnancy, it is called induced abortion or induced miscarriage.
Is Abortion Pill Safe?
Medical abortion is a safe procedure if done by a trained medical professional, but unsafe abortion can be a cause of maternal death. Induced and unsafe abortions are very common in developing countries leading to major complications after abortion. The abortion Pill should also be used under medical supervision.
It’s advisable to opt for safe and legal abortion to reduce the maternal risk. However, it’s a safer procedure compared to childbirth.
Is Abortion Legal for Unmarried women?
Medical Abortion or Medical termination of pregnancy is legal in many countries but in a few contraries, it is not legal. Gestation age also varies from country to country to perform the medical abortion and abide by the law of the country and medical ethics.
The gestational age upper limit for medical termination of pregnancy is a maximum of 20 weeks in India. Unmarried women can now seek medical abortion services on the ground of contraceptive failure.
Some European Countries’ Laws set the limit for medical abortion between 18 weeks to 24 weeks of gestation age or pregnancy, whereas many set the limit for medical termination of pregnancy around the first trimester of pregnancy.
What is Abortion Pill?
The abortion pill is used to terminate the pregnancy or end the pregnancy. The use of the Abortion Pill is strictly advised under medical supervision to avoid complications after abortion. The abortion pill is in fact a combination of two medicines, one is Mifepristone and the second one is Misoprostol. Both the drugs act differently and the combined action of these medicines leads to abortion or termination of the pregnancy.
How Does Abortion Pill Work?
The first medicine named Mifepristone works by blocking your own body’s hormone named progesterone which terminates the pregnancy. Progesterone hormone is a necessity for pregnancy. In absence of the progesterone, the lining of the uterus starts breaking down and stops the pregnancy from growing resulting termination of the pregnancy.
The second medicine named Misoprostol acts on the womb and uterine wall which increases the contraction of uterine muscles causing cramps, bleeding, and the loss of the pregnancy. You feel like heavy and crampy periods, this process is very similar to the early miscarriage.
First, you take Mifepristone then after 24 hours or up to 48 hours you take Misoprostol Medicine. If you don’t have any bleeding within 24 hours of taking Misoprostol or second medicine, you should call your doctor.
What You Should Do If Abortion Pill Failed?
The Abortion Pill usually works up to 11 weeks of pregnancy, but if the gestational age is more than 11 weeks, there are chances of failing the abortion pill. If it doesn’t work or failed, then you have to go to your doctor for an in-clinic abortion. Your Doctor removes the remaining tissues from the Uterus, the procedure to remove the remaining tissue from the uterus is called D&C (Dilatation and Curettage).
How Effective is the Abortion Pill?
- Up to 8 weeks of pregnancy – 94% to 98%
- 8 to 9 weeks of pregnancy – 94% to 96%
- 9 to 10 weeks of pregnancy – 91% to 93%
- More than 10 weeks up to 11 weeks of pregnancy – 85% to 87% but should be avoided after 10 weeks
What are the Complications after Abortion or After Abortion Pill?
It is not necessary that the abortion pill will work 100%, this can lead to incomplete abortion and sometimes pregnancy doesn’t end which can lead to complications after the abortion pill.
- Incomplete abortion, some of the tissues of the fetus are left in the uterus
- Incomplete abortion leads to continuous bleeding
- Too much bleeding and hypovolemic shock
- Blood clot in the uterus
- High risk of infection (UTI)
- Allergic reaction to the Medicine
- Diarrhea
- Severe stomach cramps
- Nausea and Vomiting
If there is severe pain or cramps, you can take an analgesic like Ibrufen will work but should be taken with your doctor’s advice only. Drink a good amount of water. juices or Fluids to maintain the blood pressure. Do not forget to call your doctor if feel uncomfortable or if the bleeding is too much.
Totally agreed! We should create great awareness of abortion pills. Thank you.