Monoclonal antibody therapy for Covid 19 patients is a saviour. A covid positive patient or a person having the risk of getting serious symptoms of Covid 19 infection, can be the right candidate for monoclonal antibody therapy. Monoclonal Antibodies for Covid 19 treatment is also called Cocktail Therapy which can be taken under the observation of a qualified medical provider.
Qualifying Criteria for Cocktail therapy or Monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatment is your medical history, age and how long you have symptoms had. It’s an effective therapy to reduce the risk and severity of the Coronavirus symptoms and complications.
What is Monoclonal Antibody?
Our body naturally produces antibodies against the disease and virus to fight the infections. This is the natural response of our immune system which gives us immunity against the disease. Vaccines also work on the same concept and methodology. But it is not necessary that antibodies produced by our body can recognize the new virus-like SARS CoV2 and fight against the new virus.
Monoclonal antibodies are made in the laboratory. These mAb work against a particular and specific infection like Covid 19 virus. These antibodies (mAb) are injected into your body through an infusion directly. Monoclonal antibodies start acting immediately against the virus. It helps you in reducing the severity of the disease and symptoms. The monoclonal antibody also minimizes the severity of disease and risk of hospitalization too.
The mAb or cocktail therapy can stop the SARS CoV2 virus from entering into the cells which limit the viral load or the amount of the coronavirus in your body.
Difference Between Covid Vaccine and Monoclonal Antibody Therapy
The mode of action of the Coronavirus Vaccine is different from the monoclonal antibodies. The Covid Vaccine triggers our body’s immune system and develops antibodies. But it takes time from weeks to months to develop enough antibodies to fight the infection.
However, monoclonal antibodies are made in the laboratory. These readymade antibodies start acting against the virus immediately. Monoclonal antibodies give you short term protection. However, Covid Vaccine gives you a long term immunity to fight future infections.
So keep this in mind that monoclonal antibodies (mAb) cannot replace the need for the Covid 19 vaccine.
Who can take Monoclonal antibody treatment?
Monoclonal antibody therapy can be given on the recommendation and advice of your doctor. The criteria for mAb Therapy is defined as:
- Patients who are at high risk of clinical progression and more risk of getting symptoms
- Covid 19 RTPCR Test positive patients, or
- Treatment should be started within 10 days of symptoms
- Have been in close contact with a Covid Positive patient
- Monoclonal Antibody Treatment can be considered in Pregnant women also
- mAb should only be administered in a healthcare setting by a qualified healthcare provider
- Covid vaccination should be deferred at least 90 days after monoclonal antibody therapy
Is Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Safe?
Monoclonal antibodies do not contain live viruses and there is no risk of getting Covid infection through mAb treatment. But yes there can be some side effects as other medications and therapies have.
- Allergic reactions including anaphylaxis can happen with monoclonal antibody therapy but it’s very rare.
- An Allergic reaction can happen during or after the infusion. An observation during and after the infusion is recommended.
- The signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction can be any of the following:
- Rash on the skin including hives
- Itching
- Swelling on lips and face
- Wheezing
- Fever with Chills
- Nausea
- Headache
- Low Blood Pressure
- High Blood pressure
- Chest Discomfort
- Shortness of Breath
- Dizziness and Sweating
- There can be pain and swelling, bruises at the infusion site
- It may alter your body ability to fight off future corona infections
- It may reduce the immune response of your body to the Covid vaccine
Call your doctor right away if experience any sign or symptom of allergic reaction with Monoclonal treatment.
Monoclonal antibodies therapy is the best treatment option available for SARS CoV2 as of now. If you are tested positive or are in close contact with a Covid positive patient, ask your doctor to check if you qualify for the cocktail therapy.